Category Archives: Personal development

We’re creating a culture of distraction

I am turning off the notification sounds on my phone after that video.


Doing Good in the Addiction Economy

Unfortunately, I am a Westener subject to procrastination like many of us are.

Maybe this article will help me / you…

Doing Good in the Addiction Economy

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How to hire good people instead of nice people

“Care, and people cannot help but care back. Be authentic and people cannot help but be authentic back. Be honest and people cannot help but be honest back. Don’t treat others the way they expect to be treated; treat them the best way you can imagine treating them.”

I liked how Brooke Allen is recruiting. I will try to follow his advises when the time comes.


Stephen Cave on the Philosophy of Immortality

“Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.”

For more on the subject, check here


This is water

It’s all about attitude!


Be weird!

Lots of good advices I wished I had followed earlier in life, 1st one being ‘be weird’ (= being oneself without caring if this pleases others or not).

The speech starts slow but gets more and more interesting by the minute.

Choosing Between Making Money and Doing What You Love

The simple fact that one can ask the question “If you’re really passionate about what you do, but it’s not going to make you a lot of money, should you still do it?” is terrible to me. Yes, we all need to earn a leaving but this greed is the cancer of modern society.

But this article is not just about greed, it is also about valueing persistence like Steve’s Jobs is advocating in his opening speech at Stanford University.

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